Bisdom Haarlem-Amsterdam

Wereldgebedsdag voor de schepping

Boodschap paus en patriarch

gepubliceerd: vrijdag, 1 september 2017
foto: Nir Hason
Paus Franciscus en patriarch Bartholomew (archieffoto 2014)
Paus Franciscus en patriarch Bartholomew (archieffoto 2014)

Vrij­dag 1 sep­tem­ber 2017 is de Wereld­ge­beds­dag voor de Zorg voor de Schep­ping. Paus Fran­cis­cus nodigt elk jaar gelo­vi­gen we­reld­wijd uit om op 1 sep­tem­ber te bid­den voor de schep­ping. De Heilige Vader roept daartoe dit keer op in een ge­za­men­lijke bood­schap met de patriarch van Con­stan­ti­no­pel namens de Ortho­doxe kerken.

Deze Wereld­ge­beds­dag werd in 2015 voor het eerst gehou­den en sluit aan bij een gewoonte die al lan­ger bestond in de Ortho­doxe kerken. In juni 2015 toen de en­cy­cliek Laudato si’ werd ge­pu­bli­ceerd, kon­digde paus Fran­cis­cus voor de Rooms-Katho­lie­ke Kerk een jaar­lijks te hou­den gebeds­dag voor de schep­ping aan. Hij onder­streepte daar­mee dat respect en zorg voor het milieu horen bij de verant­woor­de­lijk­heid en gelo­vi­ge inzet van iedere christen. De paus spreekt in zijn en­cy­cliek Laudato si’ over een in­te­grale eco­lo­gie.

Tijdens zijn Algemene Au­diën­tie, woens­dag 30 au­gus­tus op het Sint Pieter­plein, kon­digde de paus een bood­schap aan voor de Gebeds­dag in 2017 door hem ge­schre­ven samen met de Patriarch van Con­stan­ti­no­pel, Bartholomeos, namens de Ortho­doxe kerken.

Ge­za­men­lijk nodigen de paus en de patriarch ie­der­een uit tot een respect­volle en verant­woor­de­lijk hou­ding ten opzichte van de schep­ping. In de bood­schap wordt speciaal ook een beroep gedaan op mensen met invloed en macht, om te luis­te­ren naar de roep van de Aarde en de roep van de armen die het meeste lij­den onder een eco­lo­gische disbalans. (

Hier­on­der volgt de volle­dige bood­schap in het Engels.

Joint message
of pope Francis and ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew
on the World Day of Prayer for Creation

The story of creation presents us with a panoramic view of the world. Scripture reveals that, “in the begin­ning”, God intended humanity to cooperate in the preservation and protection of the natural environ­ment. At first, as we read in Genesis, “no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up – for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no one to till the ground” (2:5). The earth was entrusted to us as a sublime gift and legacy, for which all of us share responsibility until, “in the end”, all things in heaven and on earth will be restored in Christ (cf. Eph 1:10). Our human dignity and welfare are deeply connected to our care for the whole of creation.

However, “in the meantime”, the history of the world presents a very different context. It reveals a morally decaying scenario where our attitude and behaviour towards creation obscures our calling as God’s co-operators. Our propensity to interrupt the world’s delicate and balanced ecosystems, our insatiable desire to manipulate and control the planet’s limited resources, and our greed for limitless profit in markets – all these have alienated us from the original purpose of creation. We no lon­ger respect nature as a shared gift; instead, we regard it as a private possession. We no lon­ger associate with nature in order to sustain it; instead, we lord over it to support our own cons­tructs.

The consequences of this alternative worldview are tragic and las­ting. The human environ­ment and the natural environ­ment are deteriora­ting together, and this deterioration of the planet weighs upon the most vulnerable of its people. The impact of climate change affects, first and foremost, those who live in poverty in every corner of the globe. Our obligation to use the earth’s goods responsibly implies the recognition of and respect for all people and all living creatures. The urgent call and challenge to care for creation are an invitation for all of humanity to work towards sustainable and in­te­gral develop­ment.

Therefore, united by the same concern for God’s creation and acknowled­ging the earth as a shared good, we fervently invite all people of goodwill to dedicate a time of prayer for the environ­ment on 1 September. On this occasion, we wish to offer thanks to the loving Creator for the noble gift of creation and to pledge commit­ment to its care and preservation for the sake of future generations. After all, we know that we labour in vain if the Lord is not by our side (cf. Ps 126-127), if prayer is not at the centre of our reflection and celebration. Indeed, an objective of our prayer is to change the way we perceive the world in order to change the way we relate to the world. The goal of our pro­mise is to be courageous in embracing greater simplicity and solidarity in our lives.

We urgently appeal to those in positions of social and economic, as well as political and cultural, responsibility to hear the cry of the earth and to attend to the needs of the marginalized, but above all to respond to the plea of millions and support the consensus of the world for the healing of our wounded creation. We are convinced that there can be no sincere and endu­ring resolution to the challenge of the ecological crisis and climate change unless the response is concerted and collective, unless the responsibility is shared and accountable, unless we give priority to solidarity and service.

From the Vatican and from the Phanar, 1 September 2017

Pope Francis and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

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